The Legal Trojan War

The Historical Trojan War happened 4,000 years ago according to Homer's poems Illiad and Odessy, but second one was just started for the treasure of Troy (Truva). Now the sides are Turkiye ( Turkey ) and Russia.

Almost 125 years ago, Troy was the historical city in Homer's poems until Schlimann discovered the place known as Illium at Hisarlik, Canakkale / Turkey. Schlimann not only discvered Troy but also all tresures of Troy. Discovering the city made him famous. This was what they wanted. But the excavating and digging made by him destroyed all remains from the city. By taking advantages of the goverment at that time, troy treasures were passed away by him to Germany. He donated Troy treasures to Berlin Musseum. After his death, some of the Helen's Jeweleries was donated Washington Art and History Museum by his wife ? . ( There is a section at the museum named with his wife, Sophia ).

When The Ottoman goverment relized this theft, The Ottoman goverment brought suit against Schielmann. But Schielman by giving a few small parts of tresuare easily quited, because nobady knows how big the tresure was. Recent Turkish Goverment relizes the possiblity of finding rest of lost treasures of Troy at Berlin Museum. But after World War II. It lost track of troy tresures.Because Berlin Destroyed and invaded by Russia, then became a part of East Germany. There was no sign from the tresures of Troy until collapse of East Germany.

After wings of democrasy in Russai, Pushkin Musseum declared that it had the treasure with an exhition called as exhition of Priam's Tresures that the pieces are from the ancient city of Troy, located in what is now northwestern Turkey ( Hisarlik - Canakkale ). The best part of the collection had remained for 50 years in the depths of Pushkin vaults until 1993. Germany still has the part of Trojan Treasures.

"Turkey has appealled several times to both Germany and Russia to return the treasure. A russian delegation visited Turkey in 1994 to start talks, but no agreement has been reached. In 1996, an exhibition of Trojan treasures declared by Moscov Musseum. Ankara , Turkey angered by the exhibition and renewed its claim for the treasures of Troy." ( The Associated Press )

Now the new war called as law war on King Priam's Treasures that is actualy Trojan Treasures is beginning among Turkey, Russia, Germany, also Grece ? . Turkey is hopefully expecting to get all Trojan Treasures to the right place, its own home, Turkey.

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